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PhD Program in Cancer Biology

Thesis information

Thesis Committee

The PhD Student and the PI must set up a thesis committee within the first six months of the official employment of the PhD Student.

Doctoral agreement (DOCX, 110 KB)

Thesis Committee Meetings

The first Thesis Committee Meeting has to take place no later than 12 months after the start of the PhD. During this meeting, the research plan for the PhD project and the initial results are presented to the committee members. Follow-up / progress meetings are held once per year.

Thesis Proposal Template (DOCX, 80 KB)

Guidelines for Thesis Proposals (PDF, 73 KB)

Thesis Meeting Report Form (DOCX, 81 KB)

Progress Report Template (DOCX, 79 KB)

Thesis defense

The thesis defense must comply with the rules of the host institution:

University of Zurich

ETH Zurich

PhD Defense Announcement Template (DOCX, 276 KB)

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